So it's been a bit since I've provided an update on things. The industry continues to change rapidly, and some days its a major effort just to hold on for the ride.
I believe that I now have 4 different books in progress: 2 fiction and 2 non-fiction. One of the fiction is a short story that is close to being done, but I've been helping out other writer friends with their books so haven't had much opportunity to finish it up. The second fiction work is a sequel to my first novel "Coordinates For Murder". If you haven't read it yet, I encourage you to check out a free sample on Amazon or Barnes & Noble, and if you like it, buy it. I'm getting noticed across the pond in England, which is a blast! My 2 non-fiction books are things that have been on my mind, and I'm finally doing something about them. The first one is a primer on how to do not only an ebook, but a print book AND an audio book too. No reason why the big publishers should have all of the fun. The other non-fiction book is one surrounding my present efforts at training for a 10K race at the end of June. I have never, NEVER run for fun or for a race, so this is a dramatic change. Even more so because in my past I have vowed that I would NEVER run for any reason, especially just for fun/exercise. And yet, here I am. It will be part memoir of my current efforts at training, plus some motivational things because, as I put it recently on a Facebook posting, if this couch potato can do it, anyone can.
Wow, that's a lot! I'm tired already. But, I received a very welcome email at the end of last week. Essentially, there was interest in featuring me in a regional publication, which made me very happy! Some other details need to be worked out, but it's possible that this might work out to be a long-term arrangement with me getting a) credit for writing articles, and b) getting free advertising in each quarterly publication, which has a print run of about 16,000 units! Yeah, don't tell me that's not cool!
If you want to know when any of these new works come out, drop me a line at dlk (dot) writer (at) gmail (dot) com. Oh, and I can also let you know when the audio version of "Coordinates For Murder" comes out too. Cheers!
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